Scripture: The Bible is the inspired, authoritative and infallible Word of God and is our sole rule of faith and practice. It is the standard by which all human conduct and creeds should be tried.
Trinity: There is only one true and living God who is manifested in three eternal and coequal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God possesses holiness, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, love, mercy, and all other perfections. All humankind owes to Him supreme faith and obedience.
Atonement: Human beings can be forgiven of sin and justified solely through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ who died for sinners and rose again from the dead. Only by repentance from sin and by faith in Jesus Christ the Lord can acceptance with God be attained.
Work of the Holy Spirit: Regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit by which the believer receives a new nature from God. Christian growth or sanctification is the continuation of the life principle which begins in the new birth.
Church: The church in its widest sense includes all believers of all ages. The church is manifested visibly in the local body of believers who covenant together to worship, observe the ordinances, and evangelize.